Dec 17, 2009

maruah y calar

salam tahun baru kpd kenalan n umat islam khususnya...

dlm sibuk2 org menyambut muharram, siaran bola nmpknyer lebih memberikan impak
kebanyakan pekerja diberikan waktu pulang yang lebih awal menurut satu siaran radio y saya dgr ptg smlm...xtw stakat mana sahihnya khabar tu
utk apa? no~no~ bukn utk memeriahkn awal muharram
tp utk memberi ruang kepada rakyat malaysia menonton bola n menyokong pasukan negara

jadi di manakah seruan untuk menigkatkn tanggungjawab sbg umat islam?
tepuk dada tny iman...
kepada yang sudah menunaikan kewajipan dan melakukan perkara yang extra, alhamdulillah
saya sendiri berusaha untuk memperbaiki kewajipan sbg seorg muslimat
cemburu melihat org terdekat mendapat lebih kejayaan...tercabar rasanya!

move on to my post,

sebelum exam sem hari tu, saya keluar bersama seorg rakan lelaki y memg sy kagum resultnya... dan apa yang membuatkn saya rasa agk marah is that he opened my handbag while i went to the counter to pay for the fuel...

he even opened my purse and went thru it... saya memg seorg manusia y sgt pantang org menyentuh brg saya tnpa keizinan, in fact saya sgt3 marah tym tu, but i hold it... jd sy ckp dgn elok n minta purse tu. dia buka sehingga dia terjmp my result slip n he talked about it.

memg xsalah he wanted to advise me, sbb result mechy saya memg spoil! n he is a brilliant mechy student... so dia popet2 dlm kete, n he asked me to get a better one the next paper. memg sy tense sbb hny kami berdua dlm kete mlm tu, n dia bebel tentg my result... itu saat y membuat sy rasa cm nk pijak2 dia sbb menyelongkar harta peribadi sy tnp izin... dan itulah juga salah satu org y membuatkn sy rasa

"if i dont make it this time, i'll never beat him!"

alhamdulillh, sume paper sy pass...evn not as good as him... another person y membuatkn semngt stdy makin kuat is a guy friend of utp, rasa cm tercabar ngn dia sbb he's a guy is one thing, he's a utp is another thing, yet, he's working for petronas, thats the most other thing! 
i even noted it BIG at my front desk , "i'm way better than him!" 
utk menaikkn mood nk stdy...haha!

also a self-note regards from my parents too...
da lama x hang frame family kt bilik, nek sem nih nk hang r...
btw, kamu y membaca postg nih...da baca doa awal n aher tahun...hope so~

Dec 15, 2009

cte dlu2... memori~

semalam dok borak2 tym ptg ngn me, my sis, my bro n op kos my mom kt depan tu, cte2 sal pe tah n then TER-memorise smula zaman kanak2 dlu...hahaha!!!

teringat dlu MY SIS y nanges nk follow ibu g keje tp xdpt, so terkontang kanting dia lari juz sbb nk salam ngn ibu y tgh tgu bus kt simpang, tym tu ku dpt ikut... dgn tanpa selipar, dia berlari dr umah menuju ke simpng tu...
then ad skali tu one nite, ktrg tdo berdua sebilik, my sis letak dia pny bolster kt side katil menegak, then ku tutup lampu r nk tdo kn....suddenly dia menjerit..."MESA!!! HANTUUUU!!!!!!!" ...ku y gler ga r terkejut igtkn pe trus g suis lampu n on lampu bilik, rupa2nyer bolster y dia dirikn tu terjatuh, dia igtkn hantu kt sbelah dia...hahak!

masuk ke kes KONAH plak, rupanyer bru ku tahu....dlu lau lalu ats jambatan kt laluan ketapi tu, adalah mcm satu kewajipan utk ku menangis!
then pnh skali tu, tym mkn kt umah, ku hadap pinggan mk tu dekat je kt muka, then my sis pny dengki dia 'cepuk' muka ku ke pinggan...hahaha! siot je ble igt smula
ad jgak pnh satu mlm tu, ku konon2 jd tarzan kt tingkap, jerit2... tetbe kucing 'terbang' dr ats bumbung...sia2 kna gelak ngn my sis y tdo sama2 tym tu sbb ku eksen b4 tu kt dia...
xckup dgn tu, ad tym tu ku men2 dlm bilik tym dia tgh kemas2, then ku terpooot~
dia wtpe? dia amik FEBRIZ n dia sembur kt my ass, hahaha!

masuk cte MY BRO, dia ank laki last in family, so dlu2 ktrg y jd sis memg buli dia sket2 r, sket je pn...ahak! dia ktrg jdkn cm adik pmpn...pakaikn mekap, pnh jgak dlu ku pakaikn dia kain batik kt kepala cm org dlu2 tu, siap ngn heels! dia redha n dia suka je~ hahahaha
then my sis bukak cte, dlu my bro tu pnh nangis gle2 sbb tym rya ibu soh pakai baju melayu dia xnk, dia beriya nk pakai baju kurung belang2 hitam...ngn nangis2 plak tu... hahahaha~

then cte tentg rmbut dia...huh dia dlu kembar uncle abu bakar elah...rmbut dia, peh! dlu abh beli helmet motor y cm shell kura2 tu, ha cmtu r rambut dia... lau letak helmet tu kt kpala dia dlu2, xnmpk rmbut, sbb rmbut ngn helmet da sma je~ hahaha!!! rebonding tu dlu tym kecik2~

ni tym dia kecik2 dlu wit her sis, menado
y bwh ni pic skg

to view more of this, visit my fb link ..tudoo~

Dec 9, 2009

SERVES U RIGHT!!! hahaha~

mlm ni ktrg g ber6 tgk wyg kt MBO-KP. should be today (wed), ticket price is rm5, tp minah kaunter tu jual kt ak rm5/kid and rm9/adult... so ak tny r leklok,

"kn ke kat depan Guardian tu kata rabu all tickets are rm5?"
tu tym ak sudi nk tolerate lg ak tunjuk kt my sis y ticket price for the MYSPY movie, memg rm5 per person...minah wyg tu lak, dia nk kata tu utk next week pny ads, SO WHAT?!! u posted the ads today, we're here tonight, and we wanna watch the movie TONIGHT for the price u posted at the front door. heck we care its today or next wednesday...thats their management probs, not us! so my sis and my bro argued the matter~

ak n the other sis went down ke Giant, beli air, then head upstairs again... my sis kol bgtw jgn nek dlu, but i already in the lif, so memg nek je r... just after she messaged me saying that not to show up first, i was at her back...haha

tny dia, dpt x our money back, she said tgh argue sket ngn management, sbb it CLEARLY WASNT OUR FAULT, AND WASNT OUR PROBLEM that they posted the ads this very night! yet, WE WON THE ARGUEMENT...

y pling ak xtahan pedih tinger dgr ble my sis kata, minah wyg tu nk tunjuk CM HEBAT nk bgtw manager y tu bukn HER RESPONSIBILITY (watever!), dia ley plak nk speaking2~ bajet my sis xphm, bapak r poyo minah uh! seb bek r ak xde tym dia jd MINAH LONDON tu, lau x, berterabur dia bukak dict... bukn nk kata ku pandai speak, tp nt dia xphm sbb ak ckp laju sgt... hahaha!!! so my sis pn attacked dia smula using the same LONDON TONGUE... terkebil2 beliau y menjd minah wyg tu... lau ak dpt rakam babak2 drama tu, pergh! masyuk~~~

mest gler bengkek je minah tu an nk layan kerenah customer cm ktrg... bukn xnk tolerate dlm arguement, but we just dont let others win...STS~ especially utk MINAH WYG tu, y bajet cm bagus lak kn, ley blah r wey~~~

adik laki ak plak, ley plak dia nk byr je rm9, xnk pnjg cter, dulik! hahaha~ puas tol menang
so, masuk ler ktrg ke wyg senario 20 minutes LATE! watever r minah wyg oiiii~ ley blah!

Dec 8, 2009

jemari dari hati

bila kita beri sesuatu pada seseorang, kita xberharap semua orang akan membalas pemberian kita, sebabnya kita ikhlas nk memberi.

bila kita selalu memberi dengan hati yang terbuka, kita jarang atau mungkin tak terfikir tanggapan orang pada kita.

mungkin kita disalah erti sebagai orang yang mahukan sesuatu, maka kita memberi sesuatu.
mungkin juga kita disalah erti sebagai mahu menunjuk, sedangkan kita menganggap itu suatu kesudian dari hati.

tak mustahil juga orang memandang tinggi kepada kita dengan harapan kita terus memberi dan mereka menerima tanpa sebarang keinginan untuk menghargai pemberian tersebut.

tapi bgaimana mahu menjawab kepada hati bila ia bertanya
tiadakah yang mahu membalas apa yang telah hati beri
tiadakah yang sudi hargai apa yang hati telah kirimi
tiadakah ruang untuk hati berteleku di medan sunyi
entah knp, jari mahu menulis sesuatu dari hati yang ku kira sedang berduka
tapi tiada mahu utk ku melakar siapakah gerangan diri itu
pengalaman itu mengajar manusia, mengajar ku juga
mengenai manusia, sifat, mungkin juga emosi manusia yang lainnya

tapi hati masih jahil, masih gagal mentafsir
apakah kesilapan lalu mungkin berulang
apakah kesilapan lalu belum terbuang
mungkin kisah lalu masih bersisa
mungkin kasih lalu masih bersuara
mungkin luka hati belum ketemu penawarnya
mungkin juga...

Dec 7, 2009

mini muffin

rasa berkobar2 nk bake cookies ahernye terlaksana dgn ku membuat mini muffin. npe mini? sbb cari cupcake y besar nk fill muffin, xjmp kat Songmart, so bedal je pakai cupcake y cemetot tu...

planningnya nk membuat banana choc muffin,
tp disebabkn selera y sgt kuat pd choc,
rasa banana da hmpir xterasa,
dikaburi oleh rasa coklat...
sbb sukatan choc dilebihkan

maka, setelah menggaul tepung, melecek pisang, double boiling chocolates, n filling up the cups, maka sume2 dibake kat dlm oven at 300 degree for 15 minutes.
memula letak rainbow sprinkles tp efek kt rasa choc tu my sis kata,
so next fillings, ku letak white choc kt top juz for no reasons...
nk add up rasa choc myb...
this is how they are...

ni y xde pe2 kt topping sbb ku da mls nk letak, y len da masuk dlm bekas len
tq awin n dot for the helps...

Dec 3, 2009


to my sister...


taking back my love

go ahead just leave
cant hold you, you're free
you take all of these thing
if they mean so much to you
i gave you your dream
cause you meant the world
so did i deserve
to be left here and hurt

you think i dont know
you're outta control
i ended up finding
all of these from my boys

girl you're stone cold
you say it aint so
you already know
i'm not attached to material

what did i do
but give love to you
i'm just confused
as i stand here and look at you
from head to feet
all that's not me
go ahead keep the keys
that's not what i need from you

you think that you know
you've made yourself cold
how could you believe them over me
i'm your girl

you're outta control
how could you let go
dont you know
i'm not attached to material

so all this love i give you
take it away
you think material's the reason i came
if i had nothing would you want me to stay
you keep your money
take it all away

i'd give it all up
i'm taking back my love
i've given you too much
but i'm taking back my love

Dec 2, 2009

old enough to get old???

another day without your smile
another day just passes by
but now i know
how much it means
for you to stay
right here with me

the time we spent apart will make our love go stronger
but it hurt so bad i cant take it any longer

i wanna grow old with you
i wanna die lying in your arms
i wanna grow old with you
i wanna be looking in you eyes
i wanna be there for you
sharing in everything you do

i wanna grow old with you

a thousand miles between us now
it causes me to wonder how
i love tonight it mean so strong
it makes us real
right all alone
the time we spent apart will make our love go stronger
but it hurt so bad
i cant take it any longer

thing can come and go
i know that
i believe

something's burning strong between us
that makes you came to me

i wanna grow old with you
i wanna die lying in your arms
i wanna grow old with you
i wanna be looking in your eyes
i wanna be there for you
sharing in everything you do

i wanna grow old with you

Nov 26, 2009

ku bervandalism

rini ku plug in earfon kt my fon tp sound dia krok krek sket
ble ku adjust2 pn dia masih mengada... akhirnya satu je solution kt kepala ku
ku baling ke lantai fon tu
dan fon ku berderai... padan muka ko fon!!! puas hati ku
ku da kata kt fon tu,

ha, kn bersepai ko td... amik lu!

tp xde berderai ne pn, juz tercabut batery n cover blakang jek
nt lau dia k.o lg...ku akn buat benda y sama je kt fon tu

PUAS rasanyer dpt baling n ble fon tu bersepai body, rasa sgt2 meledak
cm nk pijak2 fon tu pn ad... muaahahahaha!!!

lau lu rasa nk idop lg wahai encik fon, lu bek sket wokeh
nt ku carik len, lu ku cempak bg bersepai plak... lantak lu r!

geram gler xdpt dgr lagu...da r inbox xley bukak, fon tu memg cri nahas!

Nov 24, 2009


apapun yang terjadi
berjalanlah tanpa henti
air mata tertahan
waktu untuk dijatuhkan
nanti kita kan tahu
betapa bijaknya hidup

semoga kepergianmu
tak akan merubah apapun
semoga mampu ku lawan

a dearest friend told me a lost today
and broke my wall of tears
reminding me of the one dearest i lost 3 years ago
it has been a very while since i cry for the one i precious most
a guy who is so dear to my heart
but i need to keep playing the sound to myself
that Allah loves him best
more than anyone could ever

that day when i knew he's gone
i was so miserable thinking and regretting
i tried to call his number
but it was no more available
that was the time i keep telling myself

he is no longer there to pick up the phone
he is no longer there to reply my messages
he is no longer there for anything

eventhough it was my friend's someone
i felt that mine just happened yesterday
and i really am miss him so much

to my beloved dear sister NORASHIKIN ZULKAPLE
be brave and be healthy... there's a long way to go
insyaAllah... alfatihah

Nov 23, 2009


one more tym, dia wt hal, rasa cm nk bg beliau melayang cm dlm lagu pepel tu jek... seb bek ler ku masih SAYAAAAAAANG kamu wahai mr nokia ku~ dr ritu masuk nih mcm da 2 hari or sumting di xnk bg ku bukak inbox! pe kes nyer laa...

da bpe kali miskol masuk dlm inbox tu, voicemail lg, org2 msj...sume pn xley nk buat pe2~ bencilaaaa~~~ huhuk
dia plak berseminar pe tah, smlm kol ku xley nk angkat sbb ad kwn kol... sory~ seb bek ku sempat bgtw xyah msj sbb ku xley nk rep, ble dia kol, ku plak xdpt nk jwb, sbb tgh berbual...
huhu, ampun~

nk buat cne jek lg nih kt mr nokia tu ek? da scan virus, da clean up pon, tp masih xley jgak. igtkn memory card wt hal tp tah ler... ku lau bg part2 techno nih mmg HANCUS sket... no, no... hancus meletus! laptop pakai pn jd cmtu, bley plak ku 'ter'uninstall driver sound, dah nih ku tgk muvi bisu kt lappy ku nih... cet! hmm, lantak pi dia r, malas ak nk beki...nt2 je r

Nov 21, 2009

balik umah~ hohoho balik umah~

posting kali nih nk bgtw y KU DA BALIK UMAH~ haha
ad sorg y ku kenal nama dia TOKWAN, dia xbalek lg...ku nk gelak sbb dia terkandas lg, sbb pe tu xyah gtau, hahahahahahahahahah~ besnyer gelak! hihi...bru pas kol bliau td senanyer

alang2 da buat posting nih an, ku nk cte sal ku blek ritu~

balek ngn ikin, pg kul 930 dr kuantan. pg tu, ku terlewat bgun...kot...sbb tym ku mandi, ikin ngn sern g toilet pgil "KONAH!!!" hahahaha~ rupa2nyer dorg da siap.ku amik masa dlm 30 min nk turun pas siap2 sume, and trus gerak ke kuantan. nk hantar sern ke terminal. memula dia kata bas dia kul 9, ble usha tiket, rupa2nyer 930. seb bek r lebih lmbt dr waktu y dia gtw sbb jam kt tgh jalan. awal pg kot, org berpusu nk ke tempat keje.

then gerak ler ku n ikin berdua dlm keter menuju ke selatan...lebih tepat n padat, johor.
rekod jugak perjalanan balik kali nih, sbb pe?? wehell~ KTRG XSTOP KAT NE2 TOILET! haha~

sampai kt tol, ktrg da gigil sbb xtahan nk teeet...haha!
then ikin drove off, ku masuk ke surau jamak zohor asar, sbb nt family ku amik dr situ (tol aitam) n trus ke jb plak. npe g sna? nk amik my bro kat hostel dia kt skul seni. then g hospital. melawat guru besar skul adik ku awin y sakit di HSA. but unfortunately, ku tgal kat bwh sbb my lil sis below 12, ku n adik laki sorg lg tgu kt bawah. mis tu kata H1N1, xley r nk masuk, bahaya! haha~ so lepak bawah...ada r dlm sejam ku tgu kt bwh, da xtw nk buatpe, ni ku mik pic...usha2 kat hall n depan farmasi HSA tu

mlm smpai umah dlm kul 9 ke mcm tu,sbb xlama pas ku masuk brg dlm bilik, cte femes kat tv pn on, NURKASIH...layan~ da, tu je nk ckp kali ni...sok2 ku update lg, insyaAllah~ papai, ku nk g mkn...nyum3

Nov 19, 2009


i was watching this one movie i downloaded from a senior link, the title was something like ghost of girlfriend bla3... the thing is, dem it moved me to tears for a while

the guy was a player
but then he was taken by past girlfriends in form of ghosts
to make him realize how wonderful and how love can hurt
and break people apart.
then plots moved to family ties...
and this is the only one dem possible thing that i assure everyone
even a bit coverage of family stuff
will move me to tears!
and yeah, i cried...

suddenly when i'm in my watery eyes, my mom called!
no, no... it was sumting else
my sister who sat for UPSR, got 5A's...

i know she can do it better than i did, well i just got 3 to put me in high school (STK) but i didn't went there. instead, i went to just normal daily school, accompanying my elder sis. Well, had fun there i can say... mixed with lots of friends from my neighbourhood... memories...
back to my sis,
oh yes, she's good at school, a zapin dancer, pretty kid, with a brigh smile...
just sometimes a bit stubborn
i used to be more than stubborn
was naughty and bad too, haha~
again, my tears fall when i heard the bright news of her success.
she might not be reading this, coz i dont even think she knows that i own a blog here,
neither do i think she knows what blog is...
but its just my happiness to share my story on her here...

u deserve it well...

Nov 16, 2009

xde kedit nye hal...caits

my dad called just now and...
first call
asking me why didnt i reply his msg...hihi
2nd call
"its raining cats n dogs, i cant go out to buy u tpups!" thats what he said by phone just now.
dats y i luv my dad, he'd do anything to help his daughters...
actually... to anyone trying to msg me
i'm just too lazy to go downstairs and tpup
2cents left but already messaged ikin n my dad
so no more left
till i went down, no messages plis...

the jamuan took our breath

ak telah mempunyai sedikit mood utk menaip
hal y berkaitan aktiviti ku
organized totally by 2bkb
ARIGATO for u guys cooperation!!!
list of member?
pengarah pgram: KONAH
pen. pengarah: AMY
s/u: TUN
finance: LILO+NAT
and all the ajk's from 26 n 27~
14 OCTOBER 2009
yup, thats the scary date... put us half to madness
encountered too much problems
but finally
suceed to overcome the barriers
and the event went so fine
that all of us were praised
for the successful event
pretty much i could say... TEAMWORK!!!
what probelms???
so hard to fix a date but later,
agreed it's all to our date not what the audience asked for,
our event, we held it,
the date IS OURS!
picked up a place
logistic made clear
we went to the treasurer department
discussed on stuff to use
electricians bla3
nothing to worry?
here's the turnover...
the place we THOUGHT ours
was booked!!!
we ABSOLUTELY have no where to go
no place for the event
held meeetings... BRAINSTORMING
(hecks... 14/10 is just the day after tomorrow! wat to do???)
1. mosque
2. basketball area
3. sport complex (too far at night)
4. banquet
5. in front of the canseleri
6. ...doomed!
well, after trying so many of that
asking the department related to venues
i went myself to the registration department
asking for banquet
got it... at first
14/10 IS TOMORROW!!!
sudden call from that department in the morning
the place was booked
from morning till evening by staffs
held meeting and dine stuff bla3
i'm blurred...
called the electrician department
called the treasurer department
cancelled everything from them!
went back to the registration
called the lect (head of BKB)
told the situation
asked for the place
talk here and there
ask this and that
get everybody's head centered
I GOT BANQUET!!! finally...
another thing to worry
MONEY to pay the caterer
MONEY collection from students
that night
able to get everything
lend the money
have some with me here in the room
going to return rm 1 per person
(i got rm50+ with me, so returnable)
the event?
luv u guys~
pic? view it via my fb... uploading it soon


satu pesan dr Dr Fadzilah Kamsah y sgt ku igt dlm mana2 talk beliau
" maafkan semua org sebelum tdur maka kita akn lebih bahagia dan ceria "

tp mcm mana kalau kita maafkan tapi susah nk lupa???

yang dikejar xdpt y dikendong keciciran... how if, not chasing but still losing?

do you know... what its like... when it hurts... doesn't feel so right.

Nov 14, 2009

just around the corner

ku rasa agak stressed out jgak sbenarnyer tym2 nk exam nih
tp alhamdulillah sgt2 ku bley jawab papers stakat nih dgn ok
hopefully markah len2 pn akn ok...insyaAllah, amin~

sekejap je masa berlalu
rasa mcm 2009 baru beberapa bulan
tp da smpai november, da dekat penghujung tahun pn

apa kejahatan y ak dah buat tahun nih
apa kebajikan y ak dah bg kat org tahun nih
apa pulak org buat kat ak sepanjang 2009
berbaloi ke x semua aktiviti ak tahun nih
macam mana nk jd lebih elok tahun depan

tetiba teringat satu lagu...

when i'm lost on the way
and i cant face another day

if i stumble on the road
if i cant carry the load
if i lose my faith to kindness, generousity

would you hold my hand
say you'll understand my pain

few days ago, ku n rumet berdiskusi mcm2 hal... well, girls talk
life, families, studies... boys~ haha
one of my rumet ad prob ritu ngn bf, the other 2 were just very fine doing
ku? entahlah... someone told me
" i still dont see you settling down with only a guy "
kinda lose my faith in guys actually

after what i've gone through
i dont see myself attached to the only one
but i'm worried that i'll hurt the people around me
ku sgt xbermaksud nk sakitkn hati anyone
neither nk play the fool around

some people say that i'm being childish and fooling around too much
well, there's a reason for everything, right?
and there is a reason for my behaviour
but i'll just keep it to myself...

i dont want to listen to any lies anymore
i dont wanna hear sweet promises from anyone
i dont wanna hear things that will hurt me much worse
cause once broken, the shattered will take a long time to forget
and i'm so not good at forgetting
the broken pieces will forget their places
the tears will run as if there's no more to dry
the 'old' me will come out again and i dont wanna show it

missing the me inside... where am i???

seems to me that lately i've been in my blues searching for things that i dont even have a clue... sometimes i think i'm going crazy but hopefully i'm not
maybe it's the exam week, maybe it's the stress i'm in, maybe...maybe anything...that i dont know
this evening, just a few hours ago... i was on my bed, turning my side to the wall, and i cried... for the reasons i'm not cleared about
thinking of people around me
thinking of friends and my family
thinking of persons who care about me
and persons i care about

but i cried, doesn't make sense... does it?

i need my family... thats the only thing that helps me regain myself

last night, the song came to the radio that i was listening to... titled "oh ibu"
out of nowhere, tears were shedding and running so fast down my cheeks
could it be that i miss my mom so very much? should be~

i wiped the tears but it didn't stop
my roomates were smiling looking at me
saying i'm weird...haha
it's ok, i'm just being free to be the me inside out

Nov 2, 2009

a night of fright

i just got the chance to type a post in here but jus dont have the mood to continue what i mentioned write the AMY thing yet

its study week and i've been crazily LAZY at this hour. by 5 i got a discussion to attend, since my group will be submitting our saimen by next wed. i'm taking the introduction, and information been piling up my papers. i just feel like needing more time to sleep, sleep and sleep...

two days ago i was out from room, where? as far as i remember, on sat, i went out dont remember...but yesterday i went out with a guy friend, went to pizza, walk for a while waiting for 6.30 for PANDORUM, at Mega... wasnt a large pizza meal, but me n that friend was already too tired to stuck it up down the intestines. so we spent around an hour and a half in there just to wait for clear digestion before sambung semula menyumbat perut. hahaha~

lucky that by the weekend i was not available for praying, so had the time out so well that i dont have to remake up my face.haha! but the aloe vera gel i wore really make my nose sparkle, my roomate said that she can see my nose going shinig. i wasnt sweat because we've been in the aircond car and that time was night.

oh now i remember what i did on sat!!! we went out to send one of us home at the terminal. lepak2 at Rahath, creepy night. why? ad org tua with white hair who sits next to our table (taking into account that his chair is 2 after me).. what is the matter? he's EYEING US! from the beginning he put his ass down.

bedah told me that a guy from my back is peeking at us...ok it was 1130 at night when we arrived there, so what? dont need those perverting eyes though! so i tried to turn around to see who the person was, but to my HUGE SURPRISE AND FEAR, i saw the white hairy man looking straight at me. that's when i should say shit! well i didnt...

so we finished our late night meal and sent one of us to the terminal. a someone told me not to sent her up the terminal cause its quite up there and not much people upstairs. so she stays below... and as soon we were at the corner of the Rahath, i saw the old man at his car, looking here and there! seems to me he was looking for someone...worse, us???

i asked bedah n jijah to walk straight to the stalls where we hide and walk to our car. told jijah to get into the car first, lock her door then open ours. wasnt clear of my instructions, jijah turned the car and drove next to the old man's car. we weren't looking at him, for god sake...haha! we reached UMP around 1am...lucky we were saved from anything bad that night!

Oct 27, 2009

setelah genap10 hari ku balek smula ke pahang nih (huhu, payah gler nk o9)...maka ku akn menambah posting meliputi pe y ku telah tulis kt posting b4 nih, iaitu 4 tajuk tu... (MALAS GLER NK MENAIP SBENARNYER)

ni sbenarnyer sbb ku n kwn2 ku g ke balai cerap UDM kt tganu utk tgk ank bulan. tp apakan daya ku n the bus smpai lewat dlm kul 8 plus2. pegawai kat balai cerap tu kata sepatutnyer dtg b4 maghrib, sbb ank bulan sng nk tgk tym nk senja... xde rezeki. jd apakah y KERANA ALAN??? ok2, meh ku bgtw...

1. kerana alan ku n kwn2 berhujan spnjg turun dr bas nk ke masjid, nk ke balai cerap, n nk g mkn kat kedai2 mkn

2. kerana alan y xbgtw akan sampai gle2 lewat mlm tu, so ku xpakai sweater or jaket or apa2 y tebal apatah lg dlm bas memg sjuk!

3. kerana alan ak ber'payung'kan BEG PLASTIK HITAM y mck2 hostel wat isi sampah, tp plastik bersih r kn, haha~

nota siku: ada x rasa cm ku menyalahkan alan kerana mcm2? haha~ sje nk usik2 beliau~

buat kesekian kalinya lagi, ku naik bas utk perjalanan y membolehkan ku ulang alik kuantan-kluang even hanya utk ke tganu (gler lama smpai amik masa dlm separuh hari utk smpai sana+berhenti mkn+bla3)...ku sangat loya n tersiksa menahan perasaan nk muntah!!! kwn kat sebelah pn sama tp beliau amik lgkah utk tdo, tp masih berloyaan bersama ku! apalah nasib tekak... tp ku memg xske lama2 nek bas, apatah lg utk sit kat seat belakang2, no way!

TERIMA KASIH kepada encik A y menelefon ku tym ku dlm bas ritu, ckp2 dgn kamu buatkn loya sy kurang sbb distracted pd hal lain... muchos GRAZIAS!


p/s: ha y title ni...coming soon~

Oct 17, 2009

rumah ku memanggil

terima kasih kepada NORASHIKIN BT ZULKAPLE kerna membawa ku pulang ke johor pd hujung mgu nih
actually byk y ku nk postingkn kat sini tp cm malas plak nk menaip
almaklumlah, da lama xdpt menaip
so tahap kelajuan menaip tu dah slow
sekaligus membuatkn ku malas nk menaip lg

pe bahan y ku nk tulis kat blog nih? sebenarnyer ad dlm 2 3 benda nk post tp tah ler
tgk mood, lau ku rajin nk menaip2

1. kerana alan (tajuk dr husna n ikin)
2. amy kata mampos...apakah???
3. menggagau gigit gula2
4. vacuum

so tgk r nt lau ku rajin nk taip2 nih, sume number tu akn menjadi bahan taipan kat blog. wat masa nih ku buat 1 2 posting dlu. lau ku ad mood, esok ku sambung lg 3 4 plak

Sep 26, 2009

balek ke rumah kedua~

nk cte pe? hehe~ sal ku raya dgn kengkawan...slama nih xdpt join tp alhamdulillah rya kali nih lama sket ku cuti, so dptler berjalan2 dgn dowg~ bes2, ku ske!

1 trip outpika amik ku kt umah nek myvi beliau, then g T6, menuju ke rumah farhana memula... then yoyot smpai, n spent about 2 hrs kt umah fana. pastu gerak g umah najib pe tah (not in my fren list, so xkenal sgt)... next move to umah zz, n nasrul. dr sana, gerak balek ke kampong melayu, zz n nasrul ikut dr T6...

next stop umah md nor, ad kes dsbaliknyer, haha~ ampon md nor~ ku paksa dia stay rumah smpai ku smpai, n ugut sket2...sket je pom~ pas dok umah dia kejap, g umah zali plak. ada baby~ tp lupa nk snap (seharian tu ku memg lupa nk mik any pics)... lepak2 dlm sejam kot, then balek pika tolong hantar coz ku nk ke aitam rya umah kawan ibu

2 trip out

berlakunyer smlm, n disbbkn oleh member2 laki dtg beraya kt umah ku~ muiz kata nk culik ak sat, n soh ku get ready siap2 bla3... ku ajk adek ku linda ikut skali, buat teman kot r ku xtw nk borak nt... g umah pika

dr kul 9 lebih bw ke 11 mlm, then ku kol ainz nk dtg umah dia sbb slama ku masuk u n kat m3x, amat jarang jmp beliau...alang2 tu terus skali jalan, lgpn driver rela ke mana2... smpai umah ainz around 1110pm...lepak2, borak2, anyam2 sket, ada r dlm kul 1245 malam ku smpai umah. tq nasrul drive ku balek~ tq zali layan linda borak2 usha menado~(hahaha!!!) tq muiz ajk ak ikut awal td~

masa smpai umah ainz, ku trus serbu toilet, sik minum gelak minum gelak, ne tak nyer~haha!

note lutut: rya 1 trip out sume umah boys, KU AND GIRLS serang... rya 2 trip out, umah girls tp KU AND BOYS (plus my lil sis)...memg enjoy raya nih!!!


Sep 21, 2009

dah raya!!!



the posting after 2 or 3 days off to JB, today cik konah sudah kembali ke rumah dgn selamatnya n dgn SIHATnyer (memg sentiasa sihat pn,huhu...) kat sana starting from the day before raya, tradition, mesti WAJIB spend one day before raya kt my aunt pny house kat taman bukit mewah jb, sume ada...well, not sume tp ramai ler even xfill up the whole families in that one double-storey house...lau sumbat sume, mahunyer x kelibut dlm rumah tu~

dah tentu r kn, MASAK2... cik konah n the girls of her family (menado n eyries) n my mom join ktrg pny aunts kat branda, thats where sume periuk, tungku n everything were placed spy sng keje memasak... tp ad je ulg alik keluar masuk rumah nk amik itu ini. ble turn cik konah kuar plak, nk hiris lada merah n hijau for MY FEBERET SAMBAL GORENG (actually contain paru, tempe,udang n bla3 y nyum3...) sume pisau y ad kt hall tu TUMPUL rupanyer, ceh! lucky utk cik konah y tgh excited nk tolong (hiris lada je padahalnyer), ada ler satu pisau pnjg y ok...maka menghiris ler cik konah d mlm itu.. masak sambal goreng+udang, lodeh, rendang, ayam masak pe tah...n pe lg x igt~

yes bebeh!!! the day y ktrg tgu2...bukn pe sgt pn, slen part nk dpt duit raya...actually nk mengambil gambar sebyk mungkin dgn baju raya sbenarnyer, hohohoh!!! oppss~hehe... pagi tu, b4 gerak ke mana2, relatives y dok sekitar JB dtg umah cik mah (tuan rumah)... n y paling ak ske, ad ALIFF DANIEL, ank sedara y paling masyuk, cik konah memg xley tahan tgk, geram sbb his CUTE FACE! then g umah mak yam ktrg kt larkin, sbb kat sana ad baby girl~ ALISHA her name, bru je lahir...aliff pny cousin n my new relative's niece... lalala~

then ptg tu gerak ke muar g umah pak ngah but b4 that, we all pergi melawat kubur arwah my grandpa (alfatihah...) n dr situ g umah pak ngah... tp tym stop kt petronas sbelah kawasan perkuburan, I GOT MY RAINBOW PADDLEPOP!!! suke3~ smpai umh pak ngah, masukkn brg dlm bilik n wat pe tah, forgotten... few hours pas ktrg sampai, ad org len dtg, somewhat sedara to my mom...watever, xkenal pn cik konah akn kesemua tu, xpnh nmpk...

lupa plak cik konah nk bgtw, y kt rumah pak ngah pn ad baby baru lahir ad 2 baby raya tahun nih, yup, new persons~ his name....the name....bunyinya mcm, hazim, hizam, hazik something like that... sorry ler baby cyg, memg xdpt nk ur recall dear~ owh yes, ZAHIM~ huhu

the next thing to happen is...g rumah sape??? MY SIS PNY BF~haha... kt muar so skaligus ler da alang2 kt sna kn. dpt jgak my parents jmp their FUTURE IN-LAWS... hoho~ then balek umah ler pe lg kn. cik konah pn da pnat sgt tu, byk keje menanti bukn sja d rumah, tp d lappy Mr. Q ni coz melambak saimen nk dipass up after nek cuti, huhu~
nota siku: pic akn ku upload ke PRIVATE d fs ku...lau ku rajin masukle kat fb, haha~

Sep 16, 2009

the differences...

A MAN has the strength to love a woman back
A BOY looks at your body

When a MAN can see your soul, a MAN knows you have much more to offer and with you he can grow

A BOY ask to spend the night
But a MAN wants to share your life

A BOY will let an argument come between you
A MAN will move beyond it and works to sort it out

A BOY hunts for a piece
As a MAN yearns for a wife

A BOY will leave you insecure and wondering
With a MAN, you're always reassured ans you will be his life...

Sep 15, 2009

samosa bukn a famosa lalala~

hari ni tuan2 n cik2 (puan2 mest da pndai buat)...kita akn belajar membuat SAMOSA!!!

ye bendalah ni paling senang n ak ske buat tp MEMENATKN sbb lama duduk, nk melipat bla3...

1. BAHAN2 INTI: memula kita potong bahan2 cm kentang, sengkuang, lobak merah, n kcg pnjang ikut skati (ku buat bentuk dadu)...pic xde so anggap je bahan2 tu cm dadu...n perap ngn serbuk kari

2. BAHAN2 TUMIS: blend 2 bwg merah+6 bwg putih+3 tgkai cili merah basah.

3. ITS COOKING TYM: da siap blend tu, tumis smpai wangi n masukkan bahan2 initi td. goreng smpai (hangit?? no no no~)... sampai ler kuah n air basah2 bahan tumis tu kering sket. nt jd cmnih...ha da ad pic, hehe

4. SAMOSA MAKEUP: sediakan kulit popia utk dijadikn 'sampul' kepda inti nih td (cm isi karipap tp ley pelbagaikn)

5. PROSES MELEKAT/GAM: lipat di kiri n kanan kulit popia ini, n 'gam'kn guna tepung (...JGN GUNA GAM UHU!hoho...)

6. FINALIZING: ble da siapkn kulit popia n tepung nih, masa utk letak inti ke kulit popia y da dilipat... cmnih~

7. then pas keje melipat dilakukan...walla~ jd le ENCIK SAMOSA...

so secara keseluruhannyer bahan y ku gunakan mlm td... ni ler sedara2 tepung, kulit popia, n bahan inti y sedara karipap...inti tu ikut mood, y ni ku buat vege...kdg2 lau rajin nk memotong2, ku buat daging, xpn ikn bilis, or udang kering...

jgka masa inti beku adalh between 3-5 hari b4 nk buat samosa baru...n y da siap jd samosa bley tahan dlm peti sejuk utk 4 hari...sebab kejap je pn nk goreng, apatah lg utk dimkn!

buka nt nk goreng r...lalala~


Sep 14, 2009

ble kt umah...lalala~

ak selamat smpai umah kul 12 lebih tgahari kot jumaat lepas....besh!!!

then sabtu ku kuar dgn ibu g membeli makanan d bazar sbb ibu penat masak ritu, n ku ajk ke YC utk membeli bahan nk buat samosa n koktel~ malam esoknyer bru ku wat koktel memandangkn ibu buka kat meeting...balek2 je rushing g teraweh plak~ pas teraweh ktrg g Palembang utk berurut...haha

smpai kt umah nenek urut tu, ku tukar pakai kain...n ble nenek tu urut. PERGH!!!! sakit seyh dia pulas urat ku~ wohohohoho...n ku dgr dia borak ngn ibu ku... 'setahun satu"...WHAT???!!! hahaha...xde nyer tu nek~ merepek sguh

kenapa org berurut???
1. saket/lenguh2
2. lepas bersalin
3. ahli sukan
4. spa n kecantikan
5. aku? saja nk mengada...haha

tp kot r kn nenek tu salah urat mahu tercabut isi perut ak, ni kt appendix ak pn rasa x ok sgt, kot r meletos mlm td...wakakaaka

Sep 11, 2009

when i started feeling EMPTY

i never felt anything like this before, not knowing that it can be so awful...
the silence of no conversations, no communications, nothing....

i am trying to always be a person of cheers, a person of laughter, a person of happiness...
but at this moment right now, i feel numb...

i prayed that my days will not end up being me alone by myself
talking to only the ME inside me...
and without anyone around to joke, to chat and to be with...
AND SO...this is how i feel when i...

BUKA PUASA SORG2 DLM BILIK! huhu~ bosannyer
nota siku: ble ku da bosan dewa, melambak posting kt blog nih