Apr 18, 2009

masih kering

keadaan masih sama...
hari keempat yang menyeksakan...
arini da masuk hari keempat blok ak xde air, apa kejadah ini semua!!!
semoga Allah menurunkn hujan ke bumi UMP
bagaimana kami nk stdy dgn tenang kalau facility x ok

Apr 17, 2009

we DESPERATELY need H20!!!
xpaham ak ler pahang nih, slalu bebeno u ak nih xde air, pekeheinyer!!! apa byk sgt ke rosak tangki... mentg2 kami di pedalaman gambang nih, pembulian tol ni~ huhuhuaawawawaaaa~~~
ak ngn rumet terpaksa turun nek blok, da r tingkat 4, g mandi kat blok kuliah... jaoh gak beb!
mengapa terjadi... krisis air ini... huhuk
adek ak plak, kuasam tol~ abah ak kol, dia kata ak berak lap pakai pasir, ces, LAN, ak geget ko balek nt!!!!!!! ko jaga r brg ko dlm boxer tu, ak cubit cm dlu, hohohoho~
p/s: rumet ak kata lau ktrg xley nk perform exam xley mrah2, facility xckup, haha!!! ak nk megren da nih panas ptg2... jgnla~ ak da lama xmegren, jgn bg ak sakit lg... huhuk

Apr 13, 2009

my beloved PARENTS~

oleh kerana saya xbalek cuti sem nih, maka kamu sume kawan2 saya member di rumah, adek bradek sy jgak, silalah dgn bangganyer...

Apr 12, 2009

alhamdulillah... huhu, sdey saya

saya ada kawan.. nma dia bukn aiman

ad sorg member saya, member rapat? no, no... kenal pn pas habis skul menengah
cne knal? tah, tu bukn halnyer skg nih... bistu pe halnyer???

DIA G UMRAH/HAJI... wallahualam ak xpasti
tp ya Allah, alangkah seronoknyer rasa berada di sana
ak y tgk majalah 3 tentg lambaian kaabah pn boleh menangis, apatah lg klau ke sna
(aiseh, ak rasa nk nangis le plak tulis2 pasal baitullah ni... nangis dh pn, adoyai..)

td abah tepon, ak ckp2 ngn ibu pn ak nangis lg, gane nih... kering ler mata ak cmnih
dah r... ak xnk tulis dah, nt ak makin nangis... ok tata~ salam

Apr 11, 2009

hari ni... hurm~

hari ni keje ak... pe?

hm, ak bangun lambat, sangt lmbat gler, sebab apa? sebab mlm td ak berborak kat fon, haha~
ada r org tu, ak kata nk kol mlm esoknyer, tp dia buat2 mcm...mcm je, macam nk majuk le plak
ak pn kol ler beliau, manja btol makhluk nih... kata nk kua ngn geng mlm esokyer tu
yela2, pemutusnye ak kol smpai ler habis kedit ak, haha

pastu plak, arini, ak bangun, ak kemas2 barang, masukkan baju dlm kotak, lipat tudung2 y ak da basuh, jaket, cardigan, bla3... sume tu r
tp ak tinggalkn ler sket baju t n baju kurung y ak nk pakai tym stdy week n exam nt.
fm, ak kna stay sampai ler aher bulan 6... sebab apa lg?
sebab ak buat sem pendek dgn bangganyer, huhu~ ak buat paper math, sebab math ak kantoi sem lepas, choi tol! xpe2, kesalahan adalah utk dibaiki... kn2 (sedap hati sendri)

then td ak g mandi, abah terchenta kol, rumet ak plak tdo, huhu... sowi abah~
ak nk kol smula plak xley, xde kedit, ak nk tpup mlm td, husna plak da xde stok celcom, huhu
so kesimpulannyer, ak kna r tgu abah kol semula
nk g atm pn ak malas, lgpn ak da nk kering, so biar ak basah sorg2 kat bilik lepak2
sepnjg jumaat ptg smlm ak stdy ana-chem, so masuk ler jgak sket2 dlm kepala hutark ak ni
n hari y berbahagia nih, ak xbukak buku melainkn buku motivasi HM Tuah, "Kalau ya katakan ya"... itupn sehelai dua ms jek

ak xde mood membaca hari nih
tp satg nih ak nk stdy ana-chem semula, ad lg 2 chapter ak nk cover n pastu ak nk buat exercise sket b4 masuk subjek len cm letrik n thermo n math n meki... hohihu~

Apr 10, 2009

its been 4 days ahead...

I haven't write for few days... hurm

bukn pe, saja, malas nk menaip... ak punya bulan tgh mengambang, so mood agk k.o.
sian pck, dia plak y terkena tempias mood ak... guminne~

2 days ago, ak dapat kol dr org y ak syg... sape? jap, biar ak story dlu. org tu kol ptg2, dia rindu kot kat ak, hehe... borak2, ak pn landing ats katil smbil selak2 buku meki rasanyer, maklum ler, mlm tu test kot lau xsilap, haha... sape org y ak syg ni? haha, ABAH ak ler~

tp org y ak syg y lg satu tu pn ad gak kol, hehe... he's been a bit busy lately, so i kinda miss talking to him... tp ramai sgt kot org y ak syg, ha, nk buat cne tu kn, terpaksalah ak syg sume org jgak~ sayanglah semua org sepertimana kita nk org syg kat kita
betul kn? 

Apr 6, 2009

pe tah date kat blog ni


my group is presenting our chair today, thanks to ALAN, ALIFF n WI VEN for making the chair existance. But the price, OMG, come to crash my wallet bebeh~ haha
i got 2 for my watever score but i dont know what is that for... so next tym, i will sneak into their forms before miss Intan take them for marking. hahaha!!! beware miss~

i also spend rm10 for a palestine cd, a horror i thought but yet, i just cried the whole story... what an eye exercise rite? haha~ well, let see, babies are dead (awful!...they're innocent u stupid people!)... boys, youngster learn to fight for justice, die at young age, without having their right for proper living. Faker politicians!

ups, i split my words, but its true, how can they not think of the humanity, don't they think if that ever happens to their family! for God sake, for Allah sake, u guys will pay for the shits!

Apr 5, 2009


~minggu y sgt merambu2~

smalam da kuar g pc fair kat mega, pastu g KP plak, sambil2 tgk roadshow pe tah, perut pn nyanyi2, maka bg ler mikrofon kat food court...mi pe tah saya n bedah bedal...mi tepan
xkesah r y penting perot penoh...memg penoh pom, hoho~

mlm plak sy n bedah n ikin n sern (wah byk kn,haha..) g tengok dak2 ump persembah teater kt tmn budaya... ad apis, lilo n bani... bani memg gam r lu! haha...apiz plak, sik men perot, mmg xsgka dorg berbakat!!! congrats~
pastu, g sinar mesra, mkn2... ikin belanja, wah~ mekasih ikin bebeh~~~

Apr 4, 2009


this has been the worst life for my phone... where people pick up my calls but can't talk to me! that's somehow came to piss me off a bit... well sometimes~

this case is what i recalled... I called a friend who challenged me (that's what i thought...at least) to call him during his class, and when i called, he answered but not hearing anything from him instead of just noise, during a presentation at that hour, he accidently hang up on me...ok, apology accepted

somehow, this night, when i was in the Rabbani concert in my university, i called another 'someone', and he picked up BUT he was studying...u know what i mean right when he said that "he is studying"... fine~ that's so awesome! later, he text me, and ask me to give him another call. let me make this straight, i don't make calls when being asked by the males~

i just want u guys to know, that i'm totally not the person who likes to call the boys, and i rarely did that even when i had a boyfriend before this.... it's just that u guys are SOME of the 'luckiest' person ever existed that reach upon my mind, and i am gladly to make a phone call to you guys, but it happened to be that you guys hang up on me!!! thank you... it's just that i feel much relief when i call my mom or my sisters instead of u guys... and i have no more ideas why i should touch the phone pad and dial ur numbers

p/s: thanks to ikin who visited my blog, so nice of you dear sister~ and to those, i dunno, maybe friends are just friends... doesn't mean anything special even when u guys are like brothers to me... so dissapointing, pathetically!


i just found this cool website, and i read this...it's just the words i loved!!!

"woman who makes her husband laugh each day, and makes his heart ache when she sings lullabies to their children, has a husband who's not going to leave her."

this is the sweetest thing of a mankind i'm looking for~ the one that never leaves though you're something different and you dont even know the rhymes af the ABC...

Apr 3, 2009

~miss vampire sucker~

pengalaman y sgt istimewa bg saya

hari ini dlm sejarah kehidupan seorg MELLISA BINTI ABDULLAH... saya menderma darah!
memula saya rasa agk takot, ye r da lama xmen ngn jarum (wah! cm 'doktor' plak kn...)
skali tu, sy cek darah, darah saya sama ngn darah kakak saya, kami B, lalalaa~
maknanyer sape2 y ragu2 tentg status sy, disini sy dgn bangganyer menkonfemkn
saya adalah ank kpd ibu n abah saya...hahaha!!!

p/s: ada makhluk2 tertentu y kata saya mcm ank angkat sebab muka sy sgt lain dr adek bradek sy, kuasam tol meke2 tu~ aicet sguh!

husna kata jarum dia besar, ok fine~ memula dia cocok kat lengan memg relek je, jarum kecik tp 'berasa' ler jgak... then ble dia suck plak, ak xperasan jarum tu, just rasa sengal2 je
tetiba masa k tgh ckp2 ngn ibu kat fon, kain cover jarum tu jatuh, ak pn TERusha...
walawei~ besar gak beb!!! hahaha~ tp ak pny 350cc je r pn

berat ak sejak menjd single semakin bertmbah, hoho~ berapa? hehe... adakah kerana ak sgt senang hati dgn makanan atau ak semakin kaya berbelanja? wah! haha~ :)

Apr 2, 2009

lovely mode...

recently, i was like in this kind of mood where i can't feel love around me
i started to feel the emptiness that i never wish came knocking on my door
so, as i get on with that feeling i went to some websites n blogs
and i found these...

it's hard to accept them but this is what reality is~ somehow...

* The worst thing a guy can do is let a girl fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall.

* Loving you was easy, losing you was hard.Loving you is still easy,but knowing you are no longer mine,is the hardest of it all.

* It's amazing how you make your face just like a wall, how you take your heart and turn it off, how I turn my head and lose it all.

* There's only one thing I regret doing,loving the girl who didn't love me, and forgetting the one who did.

* Should I smile because he's my friend,or cry because that's all he is?

* Falling in love is awfully simple, but falling out of love is simply awful.

* Letting go of someone dear to you is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn't even feelthe same is much harder. Giving up doesn't mean you are weak! It only means that you are strong enough to let go!

Apr 1, 2009

......... jeng jeng jeng .........

....penatnyer...bakul baju ak da penuh semula~ huhu...
ptg or mlm nih nk kna membasuh lg r plak kn tetiba ak lupa y ak pny keje melambak2 mcm gunung lambak kat kluang tu...hahak

ad sorg makhluk nih tny nape ak xmasukkn citer tentg dia dlm ni, nape ek
hurm~ meh pk jap...sebab xperlu kot, pe y ak dok pk sume ad dlm nih (xsume r pom...)
so kalau xde dlm nih, xyah pk or xnk pk ler gaknyer, hihi..

btw...ex ak y mengamuk kat ak aritu tny sudi x ak kapel semula dgn dia
pe korg rasa? perlu ke? perlu ke ak pk samada nk kapel ngn dia ke x?
sebabnyer memg XPERLU UTK DIPIKIRKN LGSUNG! hehe...ak xnk, xsudi pn!!!

ak da rasa tawar hati nk kapel2 buat masa nih
nape jelah ble org buat elok2, buat baik2, tetiba in return dpt maki2...ak ke? haha~
ak le tu kot kn...jeng3
bek ak kawan je ngn sume2... xde sape nk halang ak nk buat pe2, skati kepala ak je r kn
xde org nk sibuk2 hal ak, xyah nk report 24/7 pe jd kat ak, sume ak pny hal r beb~ kn2, hoho

bestnyer hidup~~~

ad plak sorg makhluk tny ritu, xsuka2 laki skg nih pn, xkn xnk satu hari nt ad sorg laki y akn stay ngn ak... well, myb one day, but not today kot, haha!
ak bosan ngn laki y manis2 mulut mengayat pempuan, pastu da dpt, ad plak g usha pempuan len, ces, SOB tol r korg y cmtu!!!

pe2 pn...y penting ak de family y sgt ak syg, ibu n abah tempt ak nk manja2 (ak pn xtw cne ak bley jd manja skg nih, haha), adek2 ak utk ak piat telinga dorg n specially utk adek pempuan a.k.a. rumet ak kt umah, beliau ler tempat ak nk bergosip, smpaikn kul 4am pn xtdo dgr ak berciter, hahaha~

kn ke best dpt kakak mcm ak ni, kn Ya kn...hehe~
nilah adek feberet ak... cun x?