Jun 19, 2010


alopz to ols..those who's reading or not, this is just for fun while u r so bored at home doing none especially those who GOYANG KAKI like my 2nd bro, who covered himself in front of the computer playing that one I DUNNO what game that he's at...neway... went to one of my m3x friend's blog and found this!!! its funny and amazingly... THIS HAPPEN TO ME AT MOST~ haha!!!

Every New Semester
new semester
After 1st Week
after one week
After 2nd Week
after 2 weeks in college

Ada lagi…
Before the Midterm Exam
before mid term

During the Midterm Exam
during mid term exam

After the Midterm Exam
after mid term exam

Before the Final Exam
before final end exams

After Seeing the Schedule of the Final Exams
exam schedule

7 Days before the Finals
seven days before finals

6 Days before Finals
6  days before finals
5 Days before Finals
five days

4 Days before Finals
4  days

3 Days before Finals
three days

2 Days before Finals
two days before final exams

1 Day before Finals (Night before the Final Exam)
night before final exams

1 Hour before Final Exam
one hour before exam

During Final Exam
during exams

After coming out of the Examination Hall
after exam

After College during Holidays
that is what collge is all about

nota tumit sakit: always behave like this chipdude, crazily acting freedom-on-my-side...but when the time is RUNNING OUT, i'm going dem crazy n myb worst then the one found on jambatan BCB here in kluang,..huhu

Jun 17, 2010


When i was sitting last nite on my bed with both ears plugged listening to songs, i had this thought of suicide,murder, and something linking to taking lives either others or oneslf...so this is what i thought..hurm~
What is the best method to die?

Kill urself by cutting the hand (u know..)
Drive nuts n get crashed
Go up high on a building and jump off
Cross a busy road recklessly and get hit
Get into a fight and get hit till bleed
Knock urself or stumble upon anything and fell off by hitting ur head hard

Why people choose to die? *choose means not sick bla3*
Having a madly hard-to-live life
Cant live under pressure anymore
Felt threaten by human or anything
 Feel disgraceful and being bullied
Cant stand people talking bad and spread rumors on them
 Was forced by someone/many to do so
 After a lot of thought, that suicide is the best way to gain a free-life
 Felt ashamed/unappreciated/abandoned

Why did i listed these? Had a thought bout why people wanna die when they have everything, why they choose to leave others when they still have family, why they decided to make others cry.. maybe coz they’ve cried too many times before they decided to take their own lives so that people will cry after loosing him/her... that if there are people who remind them after gone
As if me, i hope one day after my death, people will feel so bad losing me, that once when i was a little kid, i decided to take as many pictures as i can so that when i’m gone, people can still have the memory of me by looking at my pics...its not a beautiful thing to keep, i’m not pretty i know (haha!), just that at least people will know “owh that girl is no longer alive, she’s like this”..*showing my pic to let people recognize me*...

I watched this one movie, a chinese one, saying that she doesnt want to be good, not behaving politely to friends or anyone, why?? She said... *in my words of understanding*

“its normal for people to remember good person but one day they’ll dissapear from thoughts, but i wanna be the bad girl coz people usually remember most those who they hate, those who are not so good, those who are rude, i wanna be that bad girl type, so that when i die, people wont forget me”

nota tulis jari: dunno why some letters are not coming out...assume u understand what i wrote

jalan2 tgk belog org

okeh, dgn kerajinan y telah mencecah tahap maksima *ye ork je* sy pn membaca belog org2 kampung kt dlm kampung nih,maka terjmp ler satu posting tentg cne nk memanfaatkn belog sy nih slen dr dok mengusha belog sopim y terlisted smpai hujg kaki kt tepi tu..ahernya sy membuat keputusan *eceh* untuk berusaha dgn setawakal y mgkin utk membentuk belog ini dgn lebih jayanyer pd masa akn dtg...bila masanyer??? tgu jela akn dtg tu ble*nmpk sgt akn bersawang lg, angan2 tgi btol, buat xjgk hapdet2 belog nih*

Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail

Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy


alhamdulillah sudah berjaya membuat payment utk sume blogshop y CK ode brg
n ad brg2 y sudahpn masuk n bermastautin dlm almari CK nih,
maka dgn ini rasmilah gobok CK ni penuh baju...
nt lau beli lg xtahu nk sumbt ktne..
bilik pn da r kecik share ngn my sis,
ni lak bertimbun brg2 dr hostel smlm blek UMP
angkut sgla khazanah y CK tgalkn kt sna...

nota kotak pink: blek UMP amik brg xgtw cik abe, lau beliau tahu, mest kna dgr lg ceramah *lau u baca, u tw u adalah xley bebel kt i k dalim, sory xgtw, nt bertmbah lg topik nk bertekak,hoho~*

Jun 8, 2010

aloooopsss~ (kata nk hapdet tp xtaip2 jgk CK nih)
kenapa? apakh sebabnya? apakah kerananyr???
yeah! sudah tentu satu je jawapannyer...M.A.L.A.S

tp xpe, rini cm bosan, so tulis2 r jgk
semalam kt my kaunter, tgh pusing2 sb bosan dewa dri lama2, last2 nmpk customer lalu, baju da santeq, maxi dress n inner, bertudung litup....tp ble pndg bwh....adoilaa~
legging ketat hitam y xsmpai buku lali pn labuhnya, masyaAllah~ itu sebenarnye pakaian nk menutup aurat atasan je ke? bwh tu da xmasuk area aurat kot..huhu
*jgn ler keturunan kami sebegitu, amin~*

rini nk kna masuk awal replace my bro kul 530, coz mlm ni company tu ad dinner utk staff...xkuasa CK nk g...alangkan dinner kt uni pn malas nk g, aptah lg y kt sni

aish, da malas menulis...ok r tu kn, sket2 ckop...mlm nt lau rajin CK taipan lg~

nota kuku pendek: sik usha blogshop n ode sana sini...maap sume blogshoppers, CK really xsempat nk g bank buat payment, i'll do it asap when i got free time to do so, working during day...huhu

Jun 3, 2010

nk smbung cite hari kedua...cmnih tetiap hari pn ad cte ek..hoho~
tp nt r ptg sket, sb skg panas, jd mata pn malas...tatitutet~

Jun 2, 2010

salam kpd sume y membaca

hari pertama bekerja...masuk kul 6 tp kelam kabut sbb before tu kua mencari brg
seb bek ler sempat jek masuk awal seminit, haha~

da xlarat nk menaip sb mata da tingtong nih tp xpe, sb hari pertama, semangat sket nk gtw
tp xley lama2 plak, pg2 esok kna bgun awal...CK nih malas gler nk bgun pg, sb dunia harian kt umah bermula kul 10 utk sy...bantal n tilam n sayup angin dr kipas stand depan CK menyuruh "jgn bangun, nt dulu~"...ha cmtu r kot lau dorg tu idop...choooooi!!! haha

pe y terjadi sepanjang 4 jam bekerja tu??? (cite cm 40 jam kn, pdhal 4 jam je pn)
tp 4 jam tu ler y rasanyer mcm 40 hari...sebab???

1. kena berdiri....WAJIB!!!
2. xde kusi pn utk duduk... cess kn
3. kena tight in, of kos ler sy x...
4. kena mekap, WAJIB!!! pelik x syarat tu...agk pelik utk CK
5. kena pakai kasut tutup, eloknyer heels, tp flat pn ok
(kasut CK xheel x flat, tp in betwn those two types...tp seksanyer bygknlah sb 4 jam tnpa sitting on anything, thats wat i call hell on earth..ish3~da r CK ni comel ler sgt2~ haha!)

then wat happen today???

1. ad sorg guy malay r...dtg cm ye2 je, so CK layankn jela...tonyeh2 rupanyer beliau OKU, xde tangan (kt pergelangan tgn tu, ha kt stu da xde, bukn satu tgn hilg)... bes jgk rupanyer borak ngn beliau nih...memula dia xnk gtw keje pe, sb dia cri beg travelling y ley masuk lapp n baju selai dua...hurm cm salu gerak ke sana sini r...tp dia xmention keje pe ble CK tny...tup2 tgh dia popet2 sal keje dia ke sana sini, CK terdgr y dia nih senanyer buat auditing utk akaun bank...jeng3, peka tw tinger CK nih, x pekak lg...alhamdulillah~

2. customer kedua adalah 3 org ladies y xnmpk cm branded people, seyesly xnmpk, well first impression kn, xley salahkn CK... then this one lady start to speak lorh~ tersengih juwi CK sb tgk luar buku, these ladies are babes! dorg jenis y travel, xbyk kerenah, sb pe? sb ble dorg usik yhis bag, they like it, they take it...but after usha inside out r kn, dorg ler pn y menyumbang kpd pembukaan cashbill pd 1 jun nih...maseh!!!!!!! backpack camel y after 20% discount, berharga RM 152~ huhu

3. customer ketiga merupakan....bebudak promoter je~ dorg jejalan kt kaunter CK usha2 backpack, smbil tu cm bese ler kn utk CK y mesra tonyeh nih, kami pn borak2...tny itu ini, CK kelentong kata umo 25...last2 sorg dak kantoikn sb dia tw CK masih stdy, xkn ler umo jauh sgt..hahaha~ alert btol tu...ngongek2, dorg rupanyer lepasan matrix...2 org pure hayat, sorg fizikal...bagus2. dorg nk tny tentg kemasukan n application masuk ke uni, actually ne r CK tahu kn tp share gak r experience (ad experience CK ghethuw~eceh!) tentg daftar2 n isi kos pe bla2 sume tu...gtw they all y kdg2 pointer cecah atp minangkabau pn xtentu lg dpt pe kte nak...sume terpulg pd kementerian ne nk letak, ne nk sumbat, n ne nk cempak kte nt...cth cm CK nih~
dlu pas matrix, pointer CK 3.21 n my chem je A,tp CK apply mintak kimia industri, kimia analisis, kimia forensik, satu pn xpdt...last2 dpt lak kejuruteraan....tp alhamdulillah jgk sb masih kimia..biotech plak tu~ pnjg ler polak cte sal dak2 nih

ok2 next2...

4. customer berbangsa cina, seorg kanak2 kecik..hahaha~ xde r. actually daddy dia usha2 beg kat kaunter aunty sebelah my kaunter, n that lil girl masuk men ba-ba-cak ngn CK...ble pegang pp dia td, ya Allah!!!! licin gler~ kalau ler kulit muka CK cm ahmei tu, kn besh~ *mula ler tu nk bangan, xpe2 xsalah* mummy dia xde memula tu, then ble mummy dia dtg, bru ler tahu, garang jgk mummy daddy nih~ hahaha...kejap jela, sbb ahmei tu men2 beg, dorg xnk rosak, so nek ler jgk voice tu bg ank takot...nyum3 tol assumption CK kn, cm da de ank plak, haha

5. final customer y singgah dlm kepala CK mlm nih *mata da xley tahan nih, nino3~~~*
customer y bngsa cina jgk...meh ad dialog sket y customer nih

CK: yes sir, travel bag?
uncle: hi~ apa kabar?
CK: sihat, tq~*jual senyum plak*
uncle: alhamdulillah..bagus2
CK: 'erk??' (dlm hati...uncle nih biar btol?? wallahualam, anggap je mualaf, pk baek...)

tu ler dia customer pny kerenah pd hari ini setakat 4 jam CK melepak jd tiang kt kaunter tu, huhu...seyesly xtahan diri lama2...bukn tulg je ley rapuh, hati pn boley woo!!! tp alhamdulillah r sb berjaya jgk bertahan...ni pn xtahu ler bpe lama CK ley keje sb xley berdiri lama2, xelok utk kesihatan terutamanyer org muda...betol nih tw!!! nt boleh melemahkn tulang belakang n urat saraf kaki, lebih2 lagi kena pakai kasut y ad heels even 1inch...


nota lutut longlai: cm xley lama keje situ, xtahan lutut den nih la wey~ sakit badan segala tahan mata, tahan kaki kna berdiri...bru masuk rini selasa, rabu da kna full...ESOK!!! huhuk...
bismillahitawakkal tu 'ala-Allah jela...amin~