Jan 27, 2010


posting kali nih nk cte sapekah mangsa ak buli kat kelas
actually bukn kelas
tp lab microb...

nmanyer MZ
a.k.a JPK lab ak (hoho~)

*tbe2 rasa jahat nih...sdgkn sy seorg y baek tw*
dr first lab ak kenakn dia
dan hari ni rasa agk lawak
seyesly lau igt xley lekang mulut nk sengih jahat
sian beliau...sori encik yer, huhu~

bukn pe
tym tgh2 buat experiment td
kat waterbath
MC masukkn sample dlm uh
ak ngn dia tgh tgu sample ktwg flatten dr slant

so ak slumber tny dia
(dgn niat nk buli)
knp kte xbuat cm MC buat
*sbb experiment y sma tp ktrg wt extra step*
and dia???

dia cme ley tyg gigi n senyum
maka terburai gelak tawa ak
memenuhi ruang waterbath

JPK wat muka cute beb kt ak~!!!!!!
(korg2 klasmet jgn jeles k...hoho)

*ak y tgh menaip ni pn tergelak igtkn muka dia wt cute2 td*

maseh kepada Encik Zaki (my JPK lab microb)
kerana membuatkn sy gembira
n xsabar utk wat experiments


Jan 21, 2010

wanita bukanlah perhias semata
wanita adalah pelengkap di jiwa
yang perlu kau corak dan bimbingi dia
dan pasti bukan sekadar dengan kata-kata

manis mulut lidah kau berapi
tanpa sedari hati kau sakiti
ku menghargai segalanya
namun mungkin kau yang lupa
fikirkanlah dengarkanlah suaraku

kau xbisa hapuskan amarah
walaupun engkau tahu
ak mahu kamu mahu
ak tahu kamu mahu
dan ku xkan tunjukkan ku amarah

kerana ak tahu segala yang berlaku
tetap akan berlaku
dimana kudratku
DIA yang menentu

hati wanita terlalu rapuh kau genggami
yang ingin selalu dimanja dan disayangi
ku bukan tagih janji yang kau hancuri

manis mulut lidah kau berapi
tanpa sedari hati kau sakiti...

sang by : KD n DSN
song: AMARAH

mengapa yang lain bisa...

bila ak da xley nk amankn hati sendiri, lagu2 lak buat ak terawang2 terbg masuk pintu khayal y ne tah...wats d matter? yup! sumting's wrong with the inner me (not that i'm going insane, no lar~)

hati rasa x aman bila ak kontek sumone really important, for reasons, the fact that, that person cannot provide me with satisfaction by answering my request, it upset me and...well yeah, i cried

ditelan mati mak, diluah mati bapak...tp ni bukn death matter or sumting related to that
macam mana rasanya nk berkorban?
macam mana rasanya melepaskan insan tersyg?
macam mana rasanya terpaksa buat, evn xnk buat?
macam mana rasanya bila nk buat, tp xley nk buat?
macam mana?
macam mana?

setahun ak berjaya menyolokn diri, and finally i found sumone y ak rasa i can accept him and i can see him from now and then... but by one request from me to that important person, asking WHY?, that person made me feel miserable, guilty, and at fault... not that i did sumting wrong, but i just felt that my request was not fulfilled...

i'm 22 this year, but yet, i dont know... why i cant have? why cant i? why not me?
she has it when she's a lot more younger before
i know i switched many times, but doesnt mean i'm having fun doing so

this tym, its for real
this tym, i try to settle down
but i somehow wasnt allowed

mungkin terpaksa berkorban demi hilgkn kerisauannya
maybe akn lepaskn dia one day...
i'm so sorry, not that i want to, but i have to... i'm so sorry~

nota hati:

mengapa yang lain bisa mendua dgn mudahnya...

akan ak bahagiakan yang mahu bahagia
akan ak gembirakan y mahu gembira
akan ak sapu airmata y berduka
agar tak siapa tahu parut di hati ini
ya Allah, kuatkan hati hambamu ini (lagi)...amin ya rabbal alamin

love is cinta..?

bertuturlah cinta
menyebut satu nama

bisikan doaku
dlm butiran tasbih
ku panjatkn pintaku
padamu maha cinta

ketika cinta bertasbih
nadiku berdenyut merdu
kembang kempis dadaku
merangkai bukti cinta

garis tangan tergambar
tak bisa ak menentang
sujud syukur padamu
atas segala cinta...

Jan 13, 2010

salah faham...faham x?

hurm, borak sje2 ngn kwn ritu n ad ckp hal2 family sket

so ku cte r y my boy siblings lau jalan ngn ak

ktrg pegang tgn, peluk bahu or pinggang... its a normal stuff

smpaikn ad y pk dats my bf when we walk out togather
we've been doin dis since lil kid

so its not really a big matter to me as wat people said

my 1st bro

my 2nd bro

my youngest bro

to my fren y saw me doing so, its MY BROTHERS, i'll never do that with non-family~

so buang ler pemikiran buruk korg kt ak... wokeh? i'm still a clean-record-person beb...

sik nk telagah je...xphm2~

ak memg ske nk mengomplen agknyer, so kali ni komplenku kpd restoran fast food kt kuantan
not juz one, but i've been to MEGAMALL n EAST COAST MALL and their customer service = K.O.
so ak y ske nk mkn pasta ni rasa fedup nk pot kt stu lg pasnih...which restoren???

my reason for saying so?

1. lambat servis menu

~ but at d tym ak n rumet dok sna,
nmpk agk kelibut evendoh xramai sgt,
myb kurg pekerja, so i'll tolerate with dat...

2. lambat serve makanan

~ ni pn konon2 nk tolerate,
evn soup pn lmbt padahal ad je kt food counter,
ak tny kna self serve ke soup tu, dia kata x...
tgu2, lmbt r serve...
even air pn dorg serve ble speg da stat nk dine.... hurm~

3. the food!!!

~ ak nk komplen n call the staff to TASTE wat they serve me,
the mushroom is eouww! masam...
n carbonara cream y patotnyer creamy,
was like somthing u put in the refrigerator
for some minutes b4 u serve,
mcm berketul kecik kt speg

ni y ak mkn kt ECM last weekend wif my rumet

i was somehow pissed jgak r ngn my food, but since my fwen pn eat the same stuff, dia kata
" juz put it aside, no need to mess around "... 
well, since they dont have enuff workers, I HAVE TO BEAR WITH IT...

lau ngn my sis tym nih, for sure ktrg pgil sorg staf, taste our 'nyummy' food and ask her to make a new one! that's how it shud work when u pay for bad services!

nota pewot: speg tu ak da tabur blek pepper sbb tu ad nmpk itam2 sket~ carbonara cheese tu cm frozen ok!

Jan 12, 2010

aksesori n tubuh badan

1st topic

tujuan title:
nk bgtw my ring ad org bek ati nk jagakan
bw smpai ke center mesia a.k.a KL

so, mood skg:
xbpe nk besh....
td pas bg kat org tersebut, n kete beliau berlepas...maka hati rasa xbesh
sbb ring tu beloved stuff, rasa cm kurg sumting kat diri...huhuk

sabo jela... nk wt cne...ring da kna amik
org tu pn da gerak ke shah alam...
bubye mr ring~ bek2 jga diri, jgn noty2 yer ring...

2nd topic

ha y ni byk org da tahu
cuma saje
nk ckp sal aksesori penting


ni ad cth baek pnyer gg... meh usha2
sape y kena ~

Jan 2, 2010

His side
-"tell her how you feel" is what my friends said
-so i picked up the phone
-called your house-you answerd
-i said "i love you"-and hung up right after
-the next day
-i told you it was a bet from a friend
-it was partly true
-but you didnt answer
-no sassy come back wich you allways do
-just stood there
-then walked away

My side
-he called my house
-i picked up
-he told me he loved me
-then hung up-the next day
-i was going to tell you i loved you back
-but you said it was a bet
-i had everything planned out
-every move i planned
-every word
-but when you said that...
-i had nothing to say
-i stood and watched you
-as you broke my heart

ank itik... tokwi je ke y ada???

xde kaitan ngn tajuk pn posting nih, haha

reason berblog? rasanyer sebab
1. nk bgtw facts (sbb tu wujud blog sal eco, politics, bla3)
2. nk share opinions
3. nk jual barang
4. diary...

ha~ y nombor 4 tu... THATS THE BLOG U'LL FIND HERE
ak da malas nk menulis kat buku, dats y i created my own blog a.k.a this is my diary

i dont care that much, coz to me, its an open world of discussion n thoughts, so feel free to read... cuma ad certain things y memg xley ditaip kat sini, of kos ler ak xshare... for example, names... itu da agk senstip coz nt sng nk aim which person i'm talking about

but i'm a feel-free-to-talk-to-me person, so if anything annoys,

but if anything confused,
i dont do lies, but white lies sometimes is needed to cover a track right? doddles~


adat manusia menyambut tahun baru, akn bertanya


seyesly, ak nyampah ngn soklan tu! so sape2 y da baca posting nih,


sbb ak xske letak any life goals... bukn xpk future, tp if the goals is too hard to gain, sia2 je tanam azam, tp xtumbuh2... n bukn xde usaha nk reach that very goals, tp anything can happen along the way... so better make a life along the flow, no need to set anything so even to reach

tu je posting utk tahun bru... HEPI NU YER evryone~

~my ibu cyg~