Assalamualaikum wbt
once again, its the
what day is today??
oh yeaa Thursday. yes, the summer-like Thursday LOL here at my hometown.. homaigosh~ panas dan bahang u ols. back to the entry top there, i intended to share my FIRST experience of using conditioner. ok not the first time on my whole messy-hair life, but the first after too many years. yes! i hate hair-treatment. that goes the same for combing hair. previously.... means a few weeks ago before this entry was made, i had... HAD (huhuk)... long hair which i can twist it like 2 to 3 times to tie it or clip it. but then i felt that my hair turned me into horrible image (ceh image katanyer)... yup, messy, long, wavy hair. and since i hate combing, don't even think about conditioning it. neva! haha~
so that few weeks ago i mentioned, i decided to cut it a bit so my heavy head will at least feel lighter. ok, i cut it off a bit, and my hair is now shorter. its not 'that' messy but still controllable, but i still felt that it need more improvement, well, they said "A girl's crown is her hair". i totally abandoned it. even if you ask my roommates in college, they super-rarely seen me with a comb, what else combing my hair. i hate to do so because one of the reason was that, i had hair falls too! so to avoid that, i comb that long hair with fingers, a natural comb like one of my guy friend said. totally agreed! before this, i just used sunsilk green (limau purut??) because i wear scarf, so it gives protection for hair that is enclosed in cloth-material. but my hair got even drier, so it doesn't look that good, though itchiness is not much trouble in hot days.
however~~~~ this fasting month i got to stay at home fasting with my family, so i got very much time to look after my shoulder-shorty hair. and TODAY is the day i sneak into my mom's room, and got Sunsilk conditioner pink color, and i tried it on my hair. just suka2 and turned out, I'M IMPRESSED!!! hahaha. jakon betol lah ko ni lisa oih~ ngehe. betul2 xsangka, messy hair yang memang malas nak disikat ni, turns silky-smooth-like-hair! stated at the back of the conditioner tube was that 'hair will turn to its original position', sebab tu sja2 nak ngetest, ye ke dak?? even tak turn to original since it's not rock-heavy-hair, due to hair falls (ugh), my hair IS EASY TO MANAGE!
seriously gegirls out there... who wouldn't want if their hair from:
but later, i think i wanna do my hair this way, easier to deal, no need for extensive treatment and don't have to buy another comb if it get stuck at level 6..haha! nice lorh this pixie kinda hair.

p/s~ special thanks to Sunsilk Silky Smooth team for that conditioner i found in my mom's room, hehe =D
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