Mar 27, 2011

Forever Mr L and Me

ouh~ mommy i'm tired~

yes sir! i am tired already, my eyes are getting tired, my body aches from sitting here in front of the laptop for like toooooooooooo much hours daily, staring at the strong-and-tough laptop, reading all kinds of 'bed-time-stories' in the internet, extracting every details, swallowing the information and digesting it to the very bottom of my brain. ouh my lazy neurons are just too lazyyy to walk the signals....blah blah blah chemistry talk. i just finished the second part of my proposal report for my final year project, and it still has looooooong way to goooooooo~ yeah, u see that tooooo many O, means its toooooooo much for me! nasib baik ler x balik this weekend, dho a bit upset because i haven't been home like 2 3 months ago, dem! 

since tooooooo many few days ago, my laptop was moving here and there, da macam nomad kejap atas meja, satg kat lantai, pastu nek balik kat meja, pastu nt turun sorok bwh meja, pastu kat lantai lagi tersadai...and it goes on like that every single day. why? huwey? saje... ces jawapan sungguh kawan2 pembaca budiman, ecewah, apakah maksud memarahkan. siapa tahu boleh ON BUDI dan hntar ke 20702. if my laptop was born as human, it should be a guy, that's why i named it MR LAPPY, sebab dia kuat! ouhhh teruja sungguh tuan laptop inik! kenapa? kami memang bahagia bersama, dan kalau betul my laptop was born human, i would love him so very dear toooooo much, why? because whenever it gets hurt, it nevaaaaa leave my side, and nevaaaaa hurt me back! once, like 2 years ago or so plus minus, i was sleeping on the upper bed, and left him at the corner of the bed w/o closing the screen and i went to sleep. that night, my rumet Cik Bedah ni laa, dia dengar bunyi berdentum, of course i don't hear a thing, i'm dead already in my sleep. so that morning i woke up, found my laptop on my desk. suspecting nothing, i opened the laptop, surfing internet, and wanted to watch cartoon. so i clicked the disk button, but the moving thing got stucked. i was like "eh pehal lak laptop ni?" so i godeh2 the side, and found that my laptop has some 'scar' i was like, "eh, camane boley kopak plak hujg ni??" LOL! so i went ler tanya kat my rumet, did my laptop committed suicide? she was like, U KILLED HIM LAST NIGHT lorh... i did??? hahaha~ but until today, after i ketok2 Mr Laptop soooo many times, after virus itu inik masuk dlm body Mr Lappy, he was never upset with me, yet still contact me everyday...dho i always buat Mr Lappy panas, sakit, Mr Lappy still with me... saranghe Mr L~

p/s~ kami da 3 tahun bersama, Mr korang kuat ke mcm Mr L sy... mest x kan~ lalala

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