May 29, 2009
hitam? kaler?
previously, i used the black background n everytym ak masuk blog ak sendri... i feel dull, ITS NOT OK!!! i luv black but it just dont fit in here... so i'm back to the 'rainbow'~
May 27, 2009
once again... broken pieces
i watched this one anime, and the 'scripts' really touched me... so i wanted to share it here
i have BEEN WATCHING for all along
WITHOUT letting him know
until today
but i always think
that i will always cherish
all MY MEMORIES to the end
even if they are SAD memories
that HURTS me so DEEPLY

that i wish
i COULD FORGET about him
if i can bear with this
and NOT RUN AWAY from him
then someday
someday it will make me
i want to... BELIEVE that
i want to believe that NO MEMORIES
should ever be erased
no memories should be
i didnt want him to FORGET ABOUT ME
but that is just my SELFISHNESS
hey, this is our secret, ok?
i have BEEN WATCHING for all along
WITHOUT letting him know
until today
but i always think
that i will always cherish
all MY MEMORIES to the end
even if they are SAD memories
that HURTS me so DEEPLY

that i wish
i COULD FORGET about him
if i can bear with this
and NOT RUN AWAY from him
then someday
someday it will make me
i want to... BELIEVE that
i want to believe that NO MEMORIES
should ever be erased
no memories should be
i didnt want him to FORGET ABOUT ME
but that is just my SELFISHNESS
hey, this is our secret, ok?
May 24, 2009
sabtu... ahad... watever...
on saturday, yup yesterday, me n ma fwen were like two 'MCK PUNGGAH BRG FROM KILANG' from the front block (our first block hostel in ump) to the 3rd block... thats where we will stay for the next 2 sem, our 2nd year in BTech... Hell heavy were my bags, and the heaviest was my trolly bag, filled with simply EVERYTHING! haha~
and today, SUNDAY, i woke up with messy hair replying msg to sumone at 7! waking up dat early is really a sacrifice for me, haha!!! (memg hampeh nk kejut ak r lau awal2 pg tp cne tah mata ak ley tahan bukak jgak)... n not just dat, i KEMAS2 my clothes n packed em in the locker. It's a wooden base cabinet/locker... watever~ after packing bla3, i went to wash the pot n i fried 3 eggs for me n ma fwen tu laa~ xkn melantak sekor2 je kn, huhu~ then after fried egg is ready, basuh2 berass n tym to COOK RISE... sebab later akn diproses menjd NASI GORENG IKAN BILIS SEGERA!!!
unfortunately, dat evening, my gastric came to visit my stomach, damn hurt~
so dgn tahap rakus 0.0000002%, i ate my pills (a chewing pills, yucks...) n drank up 10ml of watever magnesium medicine (dats even yucker...) ... DON'T LOSE TO PAIN!!!
May 23, 2009
my sweety cutey baby NIECE~
everyone can call me AUNTIE ECHA~ now, haha~ i'm madly happy to see my newly born niece (she is now however in penang) whose pics were sent by my sis via mms...
She is super duper yummy3 cute!!! those small eyes, little lips, tiny nose, reddish face... OMG~ i just love...
She is super duper yummy3 cute!!! those small eyes, little lips, tiny nose, reddish face... OMG~ i just love...
May 19, 2009
i had a nu fren last nite, sumone in chest, chemis3 club in ump... we xchanged ym, skype, fs and msg each other bla3... dats not wat i want to say here
the thing is, mlm smlm tym skype dia soh ak tdo... around 4 sumting i ges~ tp ak kata mata lom ngantok lg, lgpn ak da tdo dat evening. so dgn bangganyer ler kunun2 ak kata NO WAY I'M GONNA WAKE UP LATE! hahaha~
tp Tuhan bayar CASH kat ak, my class starts at 10 and i woke up 5 mins b4 class!!! do i deserve dat or wat~ haha!!! d first thing ak pk, CUT CLASS, but ble pk sal attendce, I HAVE TO GO! so, ak pn nenong2 nek tingkt 4, masuk bilik, pk nk pakai pe, get undressed, capai towel n tingtong jln g toilet 4 shower... i managed to dress up n put some eyeliner within 20 min i ges, n ak n my fren g kelas cm nothing happens, hahaha~
LUCKY 4 us, d class hadn't started yet! ngee~
the thing is, mlm smlm tym skype dia soh ak tdo... around 4 sumting i ges~ tp ak kata mata lom ngantok lg, lgpn ak da tdo dat evening. so dgn bangganyer ler kunun2 ak kata NO WAY I'M GONNA WAKE UP LATE! hahaha~
tp Tuhan bayar CASH kat ak, my class starts at 10 and i woke up 5 mins b4 class!!! do i deserve dat or wat~ haha!!! d first thing ak pk, CUT CLASS, but ble pk sal attendce, I HAVE TO GO! so, ak pn nenong2 nek tingkt 4, masuk bilik, pk nk pakai pe, get undressed, capai towel n tingtong jln g toilet 4 shower... i managed to dress up n put some eyeliner within 20 min i ges, n ak n my fren g kelas cm nothing happens, hahaha~
LUCKY 4 us, d class hadn't started yet! ngee~
wow!!! dlm wic paper y ak x igt, ak terbca y IKAN KELI ternakan sumwer in perak is fed wit lemak babi?!!! WTH! ak cm wisao gak sebab ak memg fev kat ikan keli...
just now, ak bru pas melantak ikan keli masak belacan, pergh! memg nyum3~ hahaha...
so for those idiots y ternak tp feed bg babi pny hasil watsoever, STOP THE BULLSHITS! moron~ dah r ayam ad penyakit, lembu plak masuk hospital gila... ni ikan pn korg nk sabotaj ke weh~ pe ak nk mkn plak pasnih... vege ke pe, ak jd HULK r gamaknyer~
May 11, 2009
for the last 3 days, ak kat Pekan Pahang, join rakan muda pny pgram... ak dpt mak baru~
even so, ak masih sgt rasa janggal utk call another person s my mother, huhu... pics? hehe... i'll upload soon in my fs n fb, tu pn klau ak rajin nk g load2 nih.
the house... agak jaoh dr dewan tempat ktrg gather, and cuma ad 1 motor for transport. Kesian dorg, nk ke mana2 either walk or riding the bike ulang-alik... basikal pn rosak, y ad cuma basikal kanak2... ad 4 children, a boy, 3 sisters and my mother... those are my adopted family. owh, and ad sorg abg, the father of the children. Dia keje kat construction pgi, n mlm kat tempat sarang burung...
dgn keadaan y terik, dorg berjalan kaki nk ke dewan~ ya Allah, kalaulah ak... memg ak x keluar rumah... even rumah tu xde kipas, bayangkn betapalah dorg terpksa berpanas kalau matahari tgh tegak ats kepala... ad satu kipas dlm bilik sape tah, x usha plak... myb dorg da biasa, tp bg ak, i kinda cant survive in hot environment... dorg sgt 'kuat' bertahan! memg salute~
then ptg sabtu, ak men'conduct' bebudak sukaneka utk sesi panaskn badan... hahhaha!!! lawak~
ak memg enjoy r weekend kali nih! bebudak situ memg sporting n supporting... tym panaskn badan, mcm2 ak suroh, ketok ketampi ler, lompat2 bintang, men goyang2... saja nk habiskn masa b4 game start... nk menunggu, nt dak2 tu bosan, so main r, pe lg~ hahaha~
budak2 tu average umur adek ak, so ak treat mcm ak dgn adek2 ak...

i cried...
ak nanges lg arini, ishk! knapa? hm ,y tu biar kn jelah... ak rasa cm loser, total stupid loser!!! org kata skali kita jatuh, jgn takut utk stand up for another chance, but i keep dropping it... how come? why do i never get it? why? am i just not born for that? urff!
i tried my very best, and i did with my most effort, but i still on the same lane... juz feel like calling it a quit to myself!
May 6, 2009
May 5, 2009
fes day in math short class,,,
hari ni kelas math ak bermula dgn kadar kelewatan agak2 15 min gak r... smlm patotnyer tp xde.. ak polak, msj ngn lect ak tu, dia xrep, MEMBUTA lg ghupenyer~ hahahahah!!!
maka hari ni, barulah ak berasa kepala utark ak nih dpt berfungsi stelah karat beberapa hari menatap anime jek~ ngee!
ak y solo
what's with the emo dude...
there's this guy... askin me for my hand to be his gf... xcuse me?
then when i dont want to, he said i'm choosy... WTH????
watever r... y penting ak xyah nk dok susah2kn pala hotak ak nih pk sal balak ke watever, lg senang goes solo! i can do anything the way i want it and throw watever that i dont like! so who cares? like its even ur bussiness? dowh~
May 3, 2009
ak y tersadai... hehe
memandgkn ak xbalek rumah cuti sem nih... pe je ak nk buat kt u ni ak pn xtw... huhu~
sik lepak dlm bilik, tgk anime, ulg2... nk downld y baru kna blok plak u tube kt ump nih!
pe je ak nk buat... gile bosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnn!!!
sok isnin, ak stat kelas math... sem pendekku di ump... cipan pn xbosan cm ak~
sik lepak dlm bilik, tgk anime, ulg2... nk downld y baru kna blok plak u tube kt ump nih!
pe je ak nk buat... gile bosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnn!!!
sok isnin, ak stat kelas math... sem pendekku di ump... cipan pn xbosan cm ak~
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